What's Important To Us

Our Community, Relationships & Our Team
Here at Learning Avenues, we aim to build a ‘Village Mindset’. We believe that everyone is important and valued and plays a vital role in creating the unique community that thrives to support, learn and grow from each other.
We see educators as the researchers of children’s play; thus, documenting with professionalism, respect and importance becomes the framework for quality. Our Village ensures a culture of continuous improvement by encouraging bravery, curiosity and innovation amongst teams and management. This team effort allows our practices to be an authentic reflection of our collective knowledge and values.
The Environment As The Third Teacher
Connecting to the world around us is important to feel a sense of belonging both here at our beautiful learning service and also outside in the wider community. We believe in bringing the outside in and the inside out. We inspire children through the creation of environments rich in play possibilities. We create time and space for uninterrupted joyful play and exploration. Studios and outdoor areas are set up to allow for a range of open-ended play and creativity. We aim to spark curiosity and wonder as children explore, investigate and discover through the power of play. Meaningful provocations are set up to begin the exploration process. Through this, educators observe and reflect on how to support, expand and challenge the learning taking place. Children have no limits to their imagination and are supported through intentional teaching moments to enhance their learning. Educators are seen as co-players rather than facilitators of play. We value and celebrate courageous play across the service and see this as an opportunity for children to learn about the limits and capabilities of their own bodies.

Innovate Learning Programs
We use “The ROSE Way Framework” to program and plan for our learners. This means that each term, as a Team, we use a responsive, reflective and research-based lens to decide on a focus for the service to unpack. We explore learning moments with an inquiry cycle supporting each child individually as well as encouraging group collaboration. This is in direct response to and a combination of what we are seeing in children’s play, our community’s needs, educator knowledge and current research.