Our Commitments
Our Commitments

Reconciliation Action Plan
Learning Avenues acknowledges the Kombumerri People as the traditional owners of the land which Learning Avenues sits upon. As a service we seek to understand and include the values, cultural histories, heritages and traditions of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Our vision is to create a service where Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders feel safe, accepted and celebrated.
We recognise the important and valuable role that children play in our country’s current and future journey towards reconciliation and championing the rights and equity of all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders.
Our educators seek to authentically embed and celebrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives and values within our play and learning spaces. The cultural competency within our team will be built upon and invested in.
We are honoured to connect with our Indigenous consultant Billie Musk who often attends our service and engages the children in Aboriginal perspectives in education. Billie shares with our community stories, art, music and much more whilst helping to make more meaningful connections to the history and traditions of the Aboriginal communities.

We believe in respecting the environment by embedding sustainable practices that support children understand that they are a part of nature and all its wonder.
We want to empower our learners to be children as agents of change. Through strong connections to the environment, children become more invested in wanting to learn and care for their spaces. By guiding the importance and understanding of the impacts of recycling, reducing and reusing, we can begin to connect more deeply to real life materials and explore them with unlimited imagination and creativity.
Exploring with loose parts can open the door to child self directed thinking, whilst potentially building upon language skills as a child immerses themselves into their own world, thoughts and ideas. The children can become more excited to share what they have created from their own “world”.
The concept of “loose parts” are materials that are open ended and allow the children to use their imagination, creativity and curiosity to explore, construct and engage with.
It allows the child to explore materials in unique and yet abstract ways, with endless possibilities. The child or children can continuously return to the materials and explore and engage with them differently each time, rather than say the obvious toy, such as a car, which has only a few possibilities.

Child Advocacy & Safety
We are committed to implementing the Child Safe Standards and continually aim to reflect on and improve our practices to better support our most vulnerable. All of our team members complete “In Safe Hands” training annually. We incorporate, support and maintain a risk management strategy within our service.